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No New Light Gamma Lee acid is? updated: 24.09.10.
What is GLA? And what is important in the process of cell in the body. GLA or Gamma-Linolenic acid is an essential fatty acid (Essential fatty acid) (18:2 w6) is a type of rare and essential nutrients to the body. As with nutrients in the vitamin group. The people we are. Gamma -linolenic acid. from eating creatures that create gamma -linolenic acid. because this type of essential fatty acids. Our body can not create your own. However, there are living only a few species. To be a source of gamma -linolenic acid.enough to people.
Gamma - linolenic acid. how can it help? Gamma - linolenic acid. The main body 4 aspects.
1. As a component of skin structure. The elasticity of the skin. And membranes of internal organs. Depending on the amount of gamma - linolenic acid.
2. As a precursor with a Proctor a prostaglandin. (Prostaglandins: PGs) and Lewis Co Tri Caffeine (Leukotrienes; LT) associated with the inflammatory process. And anti-inflammation of the body.
3. Control the water permeability of the skin. Skin and organs in the body such as the gastrointestinal system, blood and nervous system.
4. Regulation of a transport and accompany The Coral Restaurant in the body.
The normal human body is between John K. Sang. Gamma -linolenic acid. Acid Techno Light Lee Ignacio acid which is essential fatty acids that the body can not synthesize itself. Must be obtained from eating foods that contain these fatty acids. However, in certain groups, such as inadequate food intake. The body needs and imbalances. And patients with certain diseases such as diabetes and among the elderly. The body can not synthesize gamma linolenic acid. acid from fatty acid linolenic acid.that the body was missing. Or received gamma -linolenic acid. Nick Lee. Acid is not enough to cause impact on cell And every organ system in the body.
As already mentioned above that Gamma - linolenic acid. is a fatty acid that the body who we want to create a substance with characteristics similar to hormones called "Prosper a prostaglandin E1 (Prostagland E1; PGE1), which are anti. inflammation. Gamma - Lee, New Light Snow acid is often used to treat eye pain. And inflammation in patients with arthritis. The findings. Gamma - linolenic acid. can reduce pain and inflammation in patients Rheumatis but effective in keeping a good level.
It is reported that the product is. Gamma -linolenic acid. may help prevent or reduce the risk of many diseases such as dermatitis (skin inflammation and psoriasis eczema rash), arthritis, menstrual pain. Cardiovascular diseases, etc. It also helps the immune system in elderly people with the addition of this gamma linolenic acid. is a substance essential for healthy hair, skin and nail.
Normal size of the gamma - linolenic acid. recommended to eat each day is 150-300 mg per day, but there are some studies that the express Chana 250-500 mg per day may be divided by eating 2-3. times each day. The gamma linolenic acid. is often detect many different types of oil.
- (Evening primrose) oil, Wed Eve Dining Christmas Rose has 500 mg of gammalinolenic acid. of about 35-45 mg.
- (Borage) Oil 500 mg with Bora e gamma linolenic acid. is about 120 mg.
- (Black Current) oil Blair Kerr C 500 mg with gamma Rent - Lease New linolenic acid., 80 mg.
The product. Light sensitivity Tall Plus volume GLA 8% (500 mg in a GLA of approximately 40 mg), in which a pack of the product. Light sensitivity is woven around 3,000 mg (15 tablets) compared with the amount of GLA in the product was 240 mg ever.
1. Worthiness Commercial address last year to Dr. Anan, academic article: Gamma linolenic acid., Department of Pharmacognosy and botanical. Faculty of Pharmacy Prince of Songkla University.
2. Horrobin, D.F. 1992 Nutritinal and Medical importance of Gamma-linolenic acid. Prog.Lipid Res.31 (2) :163-194. 3. Physicians' Desk Reference Staff (Author). The PDR Family Guide to Nutritional Supplements: An Authoritative A-to-Z Resourch on the 100 Most Popula Nutritional Therapies and Nutraceuticals. Westminter, MD, USA: Ballantine Publish Group, 2001.p135-138.
4. Belch, J.J.F. and Hill, A. Evening primrose oil and borage oil in rheumatologic condition.The America Journal of clinical Nutrition 71: (1): 352S. 5. Spinella, N. 2001. herbal medicines andepilepsy: The potential for benefit and advance effects. Epilepsy & Behavior 2 :524-532.