วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554


The First Health Food Certificate in Algae awarded
by the Department of Health, Taiwan.



~Drug And Medicine~

Medicine Being Parts of Drugs...............................................................................    P.1

Why Cryptomonadales Are Healthy against Most Diseases...................................      P.1

Characterization of Cryptomonadales.....................................................................    P.2

Characteristics of Cryptomonadales.......................................................................    P.2

Properties of Cryptomonadales...............................................................................   P.3

Composing Elements of Cryptomonadales.............................................................     P.3

Components of Cryptomonadales...........................................................................   P.4

Protein of Cryptomonadales...................................................................................    P.4

Calories of Protein..................................................................................................   P.5

Lipid Content in the Plasma Membrane of Cryptomonadales................................      P.6

Effects of Enzymes.................................................................................................    P.7

Catalysis..................................................................................................................  P.7

Enzymes And Vitamins...........................................................................................    P.7

High Content of Vitamins.......................................................................................    P.8
Indispensable Amino Acids.....................................................................................   P.8
Immunity.................................................................................................................   P.9
Balance of Membrane Lipids..................................................................................   P.10
Unsaturated Essential Fatty Acids..........................................................................     P.10
The Importance of Cholesterol...............................................................................    P.10
Concerns about Acidified Lipids............................................................................     P.11

Nucleic Acids of Cryptomonadales........................................................................    P.12

The Secret of Cryptomonadales Growth Factor (CG.F.) .......................................     P.12

Chemical Composition of the Nucleic Acids..........................................................     P.12
Infiltration of Nucleic Acid through Cell Membrane.............................................        P.13

Bio-energy of Cryptomonadales.............................................................................    P.13

ATP Is Required by All Organisms.........................................................................    P.13
Fixation And Release of Hydrogen Energy.............................................................     P.13
Anabolism And Catabolism....................................................................................    P.14
Physical Nature And Diseases................................................................................    P.14
Conversion of Acidic Nature to Alkaline Nature....................................................     P.15
Ideal Food............................................................................................................... P.16

The Properties of Cryptomonadales Extract...........................................................    P.16

P. 1


~Drug And Medicine~

Medicine Being Parts of Drugs

The oldest Chinese Medical documentation-“Ben Tsao Jing” quotesdrugs encompass
the up-stream drugs, the mid-stream drugs and the down-stream drugs.
a)      All the well-balanced food recipes are regarded as the up-stream drugs.
b)      The recipes of disease-prevention incentive are considered the mid-stream drugs,
c)      While the therapeutic recipes for treating specific diseases are referred to as the down-stream drugs.

“Drugs” in Chinese language is composed of two sub-characters : the upper one means ” the origin of plants”, the lower one denotes “happiness” or “harmony.” Drugs are generally collected from plants grown in nature. Plants in the nature are subject to several uncontrolled factors such as the cycle of growth, harvest, location and climate. When technologies permit, people resort to the artificial substitutes to overcome the aforementioned shortcomings. Chemically synthesized products to replace and even to enhance the effects of the natural products are therefore in great demand.

Human kind has survived over millennia on the planet with food endowed from the nature. Experiencing through trials and errors, most, if not all, of the good food, which we have so far discovered, are conducive for up keeping of our health. On the other hand, conceivably the therapeutic drugs are less affinitive to our body, especially the synthetic medicine which are extensively purified and concentrated are prone for producing adverse effects when administered.

In order to control and regulate the quality of all sorts of health related products available in the markets, every country has its own pharmacopoeia to protect the health of its citizens.

Why Cryptomonadales Are Healthy against Most Diseases

There is a misconception that has been shared by a majority of people that doctors and/or medicine are cure-all. In reality, human body has its innate ability to resist most, if not all, diseases. When the body fails to exert such a nature ability, the disease is established and the body suffers. On the other hand, if body’s natural ability recovers and surpasses the ill power, health is restored. The role of a doctor is to assist 
overcoming an illness suffered by the patient by means of prescribing medicine or conducting a surgical operation.

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In general, there are two kinds of philosophy in health care as described below
  1. “Sustenance of the natural resistance of the body, but active suppression of the disease by means of medicine.” : This is the basic principle of Western Medicine. For instance, a hepatitis patient will be treated with a liver medicine to suppress the infection or inflammation so that the nature healing ability becomes effective. Such a medicine of specific function may be of no use to other diseased organs such as stomach, intestines or lungs. On the contrary, it can occasionally cause harm to the later. This is regarded as an adverse side effect.

  1. “No direct suppresion of the disease condition, but active enhancement of the nature resistance of the body by means of medicine.” : This is based upon by the Tradition Oriental Medicine. For instance, it has long been observed that Cryptomonadales has an ability to enhance natural resistance against disease regardless of the organ sources. Above all, such kinds of medicine generate little or no side effects.

Characterization of Cryptomonadales

Cryptomonadales carries much higher content of chlorophyll per cell than any known plants. It is logical that each Cryptomonadales yields proportionally higher amount of carbohydrates from photosynthesis than other plants. When each Cryptomonadales matures, four daughter cells are produced within 20 to 24 hours.


Characteristics of Cryptomonadales

The characteristic of Cryptomonadales is cell division, and the end result is that one                                                                   will divide into 4. Not only 4 nuclei are produced, also the chlorophyll is given in the same number. The division takes only a very short time. No other organism has the similar way of division.  Such way of speedy division of Cryptomonadales is due to enormous exudes produced in the chlorophyll. It is called Cryptomonadales Extract (Cryptomo Extract). Cryptomo Extract is the most special component of Cryptomonadales.

Cryptomo Extract is beneficial for human health (keeping healthy, preventing diseases and even for many serious diseases). Therefore, many countries are interested in active research of
Cryptomonadales, in order to find the secrets of its nature.

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Properties of Cryptomonadales

l      They multiply very rapidly in optimal conditions.
l      Cultivation is easy to manage.
l      They convert carbon dioxide into oxygen.
l      The entire cell of Cryptomonadales is edible.
l      It contains high-amount of proteins with a balanced composition of component amino acids.
l      It has a high vitamin content.
l      It has a high content of chlorophillin.
l      It contains a substance that can stimulate growth of microorganisms.
l      It contains a substance that stimulates growth in animals.
l      It contains an anti-inflammatory substance.
l      It contains a flavour enhancer and odour controlling substance.
l      It has emulsifying properties.


Composing Elements of Cryptomonadales

The major part of life Cryptomonadales is water.   Once completely dehydrated, the composition is as follows: 58% carbon, 23% oxygen, 8% each of nitrogen and hydrogen, for a total of 97%.   The remainder is made up of various elements.    For comparison: the composition  of air is for the most part nitrogen, secondly oxygen and a small amount of hydrogen, plus a considerable amount of carbon in the form of carbon dioxide. When comparing Cryptomonadales to air, it is obvious that many elements of its elements are the same, except that in Cryptomonadales the carbon and hydrogen elements are combined into molecules of hydrocarbon organic compounds.
Besides these four major elements the remaining 3contains seven elements
phosphorous (1%), potassium (1%), magnesium (0.5%), sulfur (0.3%), calcium (0.03%), sodium and chlorine (small amounts), together amounting to 2.8%. 
The remaining 0.2% are unknown elements.

In essence, Cryptomonadales is composed of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen, i.e. 4 major elements, and 7 sub-elements. These 7 sub-elements belong to the mineral, which are earth components. Potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium are metal elements that turn into cations when dissolved in water. The solution will turn alkaline. On the other hand, when dissolved in water, sulfur, phosphorus and chlorine will become anions, and thus an acidic solution.

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Besides the four major and the seven minor components, Cryptomonadales contains in addition 12 different kinds of rare elements in very small quantities. So in total there are 23 essential elements. The twelve rare elements belong to the “transitional” elements according to the periodical table of elements. They must be kept in balance in the cells of Cryptomonadales, functioning as biochemical cofactors.

In the biological system, those rare elements work closely with enzymes. Therefore, the cell cannot sustain its normal function without appropriate balance between all these elements. The most incredible part isthere are over 90 elements in nature. All living organisms (humans as well as Cryptomonadales) require the above-mentioned four major elements and the seven sub-elements as a major component. But in order to regulate the biological function of the organs, they also require the twelve rare elements.   


Components of Cryptomonadales

Each cell of Cryptomonadales is made up of 60% of protein, 10% lipids, 10% sugars, 13% nucleic acids, 6% ash (i.e. sub-elements, hormones, and vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C). Three out of the so-called five major nutrients of Cryptomonadales are: protein, lipids and sugars.  Together those three major nutrients make up the most part of the Cryptomonadales. Lipids and sugars consist of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen; protein in addition also requires nitrogen. These three nutrients plus vitamins and minerals are referred to as the essential nutrients.

Protein can be found in meat, fish, eggs and bean curds, etc. But lipids and fat are slightly different in definition. In general, the so-called fat means things like butter or oil, but lipids has a broader meaning, and can contain, besides the ordinary fat, also fat derivatives such as lecithin and cholesterol.

In the human body, the lipids are very much like the fuel tank of the automobile: when you need energy, you have to mobilize the fuel reserve.  This is the function of fat.  The fat content in the human body should be well-balanced:  too much and you have obesity, too little you have deficiency and both are not healthy.
Protein of Cryptomonadales

The protein of Cryptomonadales (the high molecule compound) is made up of many amino acids. There are 20 different kinds of known amino acids.
Protein content of various foods Rice: 7%,  Wheat: 11%,  Soy bean: 38%

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Cryptomonadales contains 60of protein, which is higher than milk, but less than meat and fish. However, comparison of quantity alone is not the most important, the quality of the protein has to be considered as well, e. g. gelatin has a high protein content, but is not very valuable as a nutrient for the human body.

After animals ingest protein, the protein will be hydrolyzed into amino acids in the digestive tract. If such animal is a monkey, all digested amino acids will be re-synthesized into monkey protein. Among the 20 known amino acids, 8 are called essential or indispensable amino acids. These cannot be synthesized by the body and have to be obtained directly from the food source. Judgment of the balance value of amino acids in proteins is based on the protein score, e.g. chicken egg=100%, corn=43%, Cryptomonadales=44% (low in sulfur containing amino acids but high content of lysine).

Humans are omnivorous. They eat foods such as meat, eggs, for protein, but the protein needs to be balanced. That is why other parts such as carbohydrates (sugar and starch), lipids, vitamins and minerals are needed to provide a balanced nutritive value. Cryptomonadales contains 60% of protein.

The value of Cryptomonadales lies in the high protein and a good balanced of amino                                                                   acid composition as well as the presence of various vitamins. In addition, it also contains a rare component that stimulates animal growth and a microorganism growth factor, referred to as C.G..F. (Cryptomonadales Growth Factor).


Calories of Protein

Cryptomonadales cell amounts to 4~8Um, but each cell can reproduce into 4 in about 20 to 24 hours.   So, theoretically, in 10 days the number would reach 1,048,567 cells. But multiplication of the Cryptomonadales depends on sunlight for photosynthesis. When the Cryptomonadales cell concentration in the water increases, photosynthesis will decrease because of less efficient penetration. Therefore, in reality, the increase is not exponentially proportional.

Generally, all plants use sunlight for photosynthesis, but in terms of reality of photosynthesis,  Cryptomonadales beats all plants.   E.g. corn, including all parts (roots, stem, leaves,ears) reaches a 1.6% efficiency of photosynthesis, but when only the edible part is taken into account, efficiency drops to 0.5%.  In other words, only 5 out of 1000 part of solar energy can convert corn into edible mass.  On the other hand, cultivation of Cryptomonadales plat is edible.

P. 6
Table 1 is a comparison of the yield of protein, lipids, carbohydrates, ash and calories per m2 of culture surface. (Twice harvest in one year)
(Table 1)

2,300 (g)
1,113 (g)
1,315 (g)
657 (g)
Rice & barley
58 (g)
23 (g)
186 (g)
7 (g)
Soybean & wheat
43 (g)
11 (g)
385 (g)
7 (g)
In terms of total calorie production, Cryptomonadales can yield 25 times as much as soybean and wheat. (15 times as much as rice & barley)
As to the total protein production, Cryptomonadales yields 53 times as much as soybean and wheat. (39 times as much as rice & barley)

Table 2 compares the annual production of protein per m2 culture surface among ten food products.

(Table 2)

Green beans

The value for milk and meat as shown in table 2 is based on the amount of animal feed required for the production of milk and meat. Taking calories into account, based on fixed value of energy per m2 (converting solar energy into chemical energy), a comparison is shown in table 3.

(Table 3)


The beets in table 3 are one example of high conversion rate of photosynthesis. On the other hand, 1 gram of dry Cryptomonadales can produce 5.76 cal., for fresh Cryptomonadales the value is 5.1 cal.

Lipid Content in the Plasma Membrane of Cryptomonadales

In human or Cryptomonadales cells, the cell membranes contain unsaturated fatty acids such as linolic acid, glycerine, and a compound of phosphoric acid and choline.   All these compounds are essential components of the cell membrane and nuclear membrane of human cells.

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Effects of Enzymes

Proteins are essential components of the human body. They are needed for repair of the various organs. When doing so, these proteins require energy. There are various                                                              kinds of minerals, including 7 sub-elements and 12 rare elements. Among the 7 sub-elements, calcium and phosphorous are needed for bone formation. Sulfur is necessary for the synthesis of protein.

E.g. If you have a car and gasoline, you need something to ignite the gasoline. In the human body, the role of the ignition is played by the enzymes. Enzymes are essentially made up of proteins, but they also require vitamins and rare minerals in order to have a catalytic function. The life of Cryptomonadales is controlled by numerous enzymes.
In the human body, there are tens of thousands of enzymes. If you add yeast into a glucose solution, it will allow fermentation to occur under the right temperature. If you break the yeast cell and extract the content, then add a glucose solution, it is still possible to have fermentation.

The function of a catalyst can be illustrated by the following example. It is not easy to produce oxygen by heating potassium chlorate (K2CLO3), but by adding a small amount of mangan (manganese dioxide), oxygen can readily be produced. Practically, mangan will remain unused and can be re-used over and over. It only needs to be present in a small quantity for each reaction. The reason is that mangan can transfer electrons from one substance to another. This is called catalytic oxidation. That is why in most chemical industrial mangan is needed for numerous oxidative reactions. For Cryptomonadales, mangan is one of the most important oxidative catalysts. Mangan is needed by many specific enzymes in Cryptomonadales. 

Enzymes And Vitamins

The active part of an enzyme is composed of rare elements and vitamins, of which those belonging to the B-group are needed by many enzymes. Food contains a lot of vitamins.

Cryptomonadales contains 7 sub-elements and 12 rare elements, which co-operatively maintain the balance of the cells and tissue, so that health is maintained. The effect of Cryptomonadales on the human body is keeping this healthy balance.

P. 8
High Content of Vitamins

Cryptomonadales contains high quantities of various vitamins, in particular vitamins A, B and C. In addition, Cryptomonadales contains pantothenic acid, vitamin B12, biotin, choline and vitamin K, lipoid acid, inositol and vitamin E.
Comparison of the vitamin content of various foodstuff is showed in the following table
Unitr (Gamma, 1/10,000g)
(Table 4)

Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Soy bean
Beef liver
Indispensable Amino Acids

As mentioned above, 20 amino acids are required by the human body. However, only 12 of those can be synthesized by the body. Therefore, the other 8 have to be supplied from the food source. Those 8 are called essential or indispensable amino acids. They have to balance, or the body cannot function normally.
The essential amino acids are the following
1. Isoleucine                                                         5. Methionine
2. Leucine                                                            6. Threonine
3. Lysine                                                               7. Tryptophan
4. Phenylalanine                                        8. Valine

The most important characteristic of the essential amino acids is that the quantity  among them has to be in balance. In case, one of them is in deficiency, the growth of the human body will be restricted. For a normal body growth, the most ideal basic distribution of those amino acids has been studied extensively, and the results are shown in table 5.
Table 5 Content of essential amino acids(mg) per gr. of protein, derived from Cryptomonadales and wheat, compared to the standard values of essential amino acids.

P. 9
(Table 5)


As shown in table 5, the wheat protein contains many essential amino acids in sub-level quantities; therefore, its nutritional value is lower than that of Cryptomonadales.
A protein is a large molecule of polypeptide, meaning that the molecule consists of numerous amino acids, linked in a long chain. Thus a protein molecule is a macromolecule.

The molecular weight of a small protein can be 10,000 Dalton and the weight of the largest one can be 1,000,000 Dalton.
In principle, as stated earlier, most protein derived from living organisms contains only 20 different kinds of amino acids with the exception of protein from cancer cells, which contain more than 20 amino acids.

Most amino acids from all living organisms are in L-form, but some antibiotic compounds are in D-form. The cancer cells also contain some D-form amino acids.
Although the proteins from all living organisms are composed of 20 different amino acids, each individual has a different genetic make-up. Therefore, one individual’s body cannot accept protein another individual. This is called immunity.
Immunity means that a person cannot accept foreign protein. Such foreign is called antigen, and it will stimulate the host to produce antibodies. An antibody is a protein by nature. It will react against a specific antigen. The foreign protein and the host protein can be different in amino acid composition and in secondary, tertiary or even quarterly structure. The mechanism that identifies these differences is referred to as rejection or immunity.

As an example of this mechanism we take the case of a car accident victim with burns to the face. The skin from the face can be repaired with skin from the patient’s hip. Recovery will be very rapid. But if a skin graft is obtained from a different individual, it will be rejected within a few days and local necrosis will occur.

P. 10
Balance of Membrane Lipids

Cryptomonadales has a high amount of membrane lipids. Membrane lipids are made up of 50% phosphor lipids, 25% cholesterol lipids and 25% glycolipids. Threse three kinds of lipids always remain in the same proportion (50-25-30).
Neutral fat, made of glycerine with three saturated fatty acids to form an ester, is not good for people’s health, but membrane lipids are different. They are composed of glycerine with one saturated fatty acid and with one unsaturated fatty acid. In the body, this unsaturated fatty acid will convert into linolic acid. Unsaturated fatty acids as found in olive oil or peanut oil are monovalent unsaturated fatty acids (such as olein). But the unsaturated fatty acids associated with membrane lipids are polyvalent unsaturated fatty acids.
Unsaturated Essential Fatty Acids

When membrane lipids from the cell membrane, fatty acids will align into two layers. In between and surrounding areas are filled with protein molecules. If the membrane lipid is composed of saturated fatty acids, the alignment will be too tight and there will be no interstice in the cell membrane for transportation of any substance.

But if the membrane lipids contain unsaturated fatty acids such as linolic, then part of the membrane will relax, meaning there will be small openings for the substance to flow through.

The human body cannot produce such kind of unsaturated fatty acid and therefore requires its provision from the food intake. This is called unsaturated essential fatty acid is also referred to as vitamin F.

According to modern nutritional concepts, these kind of essential fatty acids are emphasized to maintain good health. But more important is the balance between such fatty acids. Above all, the ratio of cholesterol, phosphor lipids and glycolipids must be well maintained. If the ration is not well maintained, a person will not be in good health.

The lipids of Cryptomonadales consist entirely of membrane lipids. Therefore, when Cryptomonadales is part of a person’s nutrition, he will keep a good balance of membrane lipids and thus maintain good health.
The Importance of Cholesterol

Cholesterol has been regarded as the culprit in arteriosclerosis. As a result, people are afraid of eating food that contains cholesterol. This is misconception. Cholesterol is a part of a lipid.  It can be synthesized in our body and we do not depend on the food source to obtain it.

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The reason why cholesterol is wrongly blamed for arteriosclerosis is because cholesterol is attached to the arterial wall. But this only happens because the ratio between cholesterol, phosphor lipids and glycolipids is not properly balanced. E.g. if you eat too much food containing “neutral fat” the concentration of cholesterol in the blood will increase, causing unbalancing of the membrane lipids.

Peanut oil and coconut oil contain monovalent unsaturated fatty acids that lack in membrane lipids. They do nothing to decrease cholesterol in the blood, and will also cause damage to the cell membrane. Therefore, the monovalent unsaturated fatty acids can cause unbalance of the
membrane lipids. Cholesterol is not the culprit in the sclerosis, but is part of the components of the membrane. It is also one of the building components of various hormones and of the bile juice.
Recent studies in the US show that frequent ingestion of fibrous food can considerably reduce blood cholesterol. If one pays attention to select foods with amino acids and membrane lipids that can balance the body tissue, one may be able to                                                                 
prevent arteriosclerosis from occurring.
Concerns about Acidified Lipids

It has already been mentioned that unsaturated fatty acids are important. A hypothesis was recently put forward, indicating the adverse effects of unsaturated fatty acids on the human health, because the unsaturated bonds of such fatty acids can be oxidized into acidified compounds.   The acidified compounds can be produced in the cell membrane, e.g. if it happens in the membrane of mitochondria, the content from inside can leak out through the                                                                  membrane and cause some malfunction.    
There is another theory, stating that acidified lipids may be the cause of cancer. Furthermore, the extent of arteriosclerosis is present in proportion with acidified fatty acids in the arteries. From all this, it seems that arteriosclerosis might be the result of acidification of fatty acids, rather than too high cholesterol.   Malfunctioning of the system, like arteriosclerosis due to acidification of unsaturated fatty acids can be adequately controlled by the rare elements. The adverse effect will be minimized.

But the amounts of such rare elements have to be balanced in the body. People using Cryptomonadales tend to have the required amounts of rare elements, and as a result, this malfunctioning will be under control.
The human body has a nature mechanism to prevent from acidification, e.g. vitamin C is a very food reducing agent, and vitamin E is another example. Still, it is most important to maintain the balance of all the rare elements.

Nucleic Acids of Cryptomonadales

Cryptomonadales contains 13% of nucleic acids. All living cells can produce their own nucleic acids. Ten amino acids, some vitamins and some rare elements are required for the synthesis of nucleic acid in the human cells. Equally important is the consumption of food containing nucleic acids for production of its own nucleic acids. This is also true for cholesterol. The consumption of foods containing nucleic acids and cholesterol are helpful in alleviating the burden on the body to produce those. This is particularly important when the person is in the growing stage.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
Nucleic acids can be devided into two forms: DNA in the nucleus and RNA in cyptoplasm. When proteins are in active synthesis, RNA synthesis will increase simultaneously. Therefore, the quantity of nucleic acids in the cell is an indicator of the cell cycle.
Out of the 13% of nucleic acid in Cryptomonadales, 3% are DNA and 10% are RNA. Form a nutritional point of view, nucleic acids play an important role in the biological activity.

The Secret of Cryptomonadales Growth Factor ( C.G.F.)

Cryptomonadales is significant as a food source, because of its high protein content. Recent studies show that Cryptomonadales contains certain compounds that stimulate animal growth. When Cryptomonadales was added to the feed by 1 to 5% for experimental animals like mice, pig or chicken, it increased yield by 20 to 30%.   The CG.F of Cryptomonadales can not only stimulate children’s growth, it is also important for adult’s metabolism.

The Cryptomonadales extract can stimulate synthesis of enzymes and the production of alcohol in the process of fermentation. C.G.F. of Cryptomonadales has been regarded as a sulfur-containing enzyme for synthesis of nucleotides and peptides. Such CG.F is absent in higher plants.

Chemical Composition of the Nucleic Acids

Proteins are made of amino acids. Nucleic are composed of nucleotides. Nucleic acids in the form of polynucleotide, can be divided into RNA (Ribo Nucleic Acid) and DNA (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid). Nucleotidesare formed by three basic components: purine/pyrimidine base, ribose, and phosphoric acid. A polynucleotide chain can be as short as 80-base or as long as 10,000-base in length.  For the DNA molecule, there are 4 deoxynuclear base: deoxyadenine, deoxycytosine, deoxyguanine, and (deoxy)thymidine.  For the RNA molecule, there are also 4 nucleus base but in ribo forms: riboadenine, ribocytosine, riboguanine, and (ribo)uridine.

Nucleic acids are in polynucleotide form, containing various base sequences. Genetic information is coded in numerous 4-nucleus bases, which are referred to as cords.
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Infiltration of Nucleic Acid through Cell Membrane

Most of the cell membrane forms a barrier for high molecules like protein and starch to enter the cells. But once those macromolecules are digested into the building units of amino acids or glucose, they can pass through the cell membrane.   Nucleic acids can enter the cell membrane without being digested or hydrolyzed into smaller units.
Cryptomonadales can function as a cell growth factor (C.G.F.) possibly due to the free passage of its nucleic acid in the target cell.

Bio-energy of Cryptomonadales

Cryptomonadales requires A.T.P. (adenosine, tri-phosphate) as energy source for the synthesis of protein. E.g. two individual amino acids can be combined in the presence of ATP, which removes on molecule of H2O. As a result, the two amino acids will form into a dipeptide. In this way a polypeptide can be formed through addition of individual amino acids by the same process.

ATP Is Required by All Organisms

ATP is one of the most common energy sources, particularly for the synthesis of protein. However, the synthesis of sugar requires CTP (cytosine tri-phosphate). On the other hand, synthesis of starch requires UTP (uracyl tri-phosphate) as energy source. ATP is not only a major source of energy for human, but for many other organisms (animals, plants, Cryptomonadales, even bacteria).
Each Cryptomonadales cell contains 0.1% of ATP in dry weight. When hydrolyzed, a molecule of ATP will create ADP (adenosine diphosphate), phosphoric acid and release of energy. This action can be reversed when ADP and a molecule of phosphoric acid in the present of solar energy, convert back to ATP.  

The latter process happens when photosynthesis takes place in Cryptomonadales, which requires chlorophyll to absorb the solar energy. In the meantime, ATP is formed.  
(*** here follows an explanation of the hydrogen bomb)

Fixation And Release of Hydrogen Energy

Cryptomonadales can fix carbon dioxide in the air with solar energy to make sugar. This process is called photosynthesis. This way the glucose can be stored as a stable compound. In order to release hydrogen energy, Cryptomonadales will render the glucose into an unstable
compound. Cryptomonadales needs ATP and a special enzyme to phosphorilate glucose molecules. During this process, ATP will be converted to ADP. The phosphorelated glucose will release electrons, which will be transferred to the enzymes.
   P. 14

In a reverse action, glucose will be converted into pyruvate through oxidization. There will be a net gain of two molecules of ATP. Although this process does not require the presence of molecular oxygen, it is nevertheless referred to as fermentation, or hydrolysis of sugar.

Yeast can catalyze the conversion of glucose to produce ethanol, then acetaldehyde. When people are doing intense physical exercise, pyruvate will be reduced to form lactic acid. In the reproductive cycle of yeast plenty of air is required. In the case, yeast will not produce ethanol but carbon dioxide and water instead. Or, in the presence of an abundance of oxygen, yeast will hydrolyze pyruvate through a chain reaction of transfer of electrons to produce ATP.
This process is called TCA Cycle (Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle).  It is an import process in the function of metabolism.  

The TCA Cycle consists of a chain transfer of electrons to the final recipients of molecular oxygen to form water. In the meantime, this process produces many ATP molecules. The electrons derived from the TCA Cycle are first transferred to flavin enzymes, then on to cytochrome B, further passed on to cytochrome C and cytochrome A, finally reaching oxygen. The byproduct of this process is the formation of ATP.
Anabolism And Catabolism

Cryptomonadales can utilize the aforementationed energy together with 23 elements to synthesize components as needed by each cell. This process is called anabolism. Cryptomonadales can also hydrolyze the cellular component to produce energy and to discharge waste from the cells. This process is called catabolism.    The catabolism in the human body will produce carbon dioxide and water, to be discharged. Part of the carbon dioxide, however, can be re-used for the process of anabolism. During the catabolism process of fats, carbon will undergo a similar metabolic process as glucose. Protein will be hydrolyzed into amino acids, which will then be deaminized and eventually proceed through a similar metabolic process as glucose.    It would be too simple to just state that anabolism and catabolism are one-way reactions. The production of carbon dioxide can be reversed. In reality, this kind of catabolic process is not a one-directional, but a reversible or two-directional process.

Physical Nature And Diseases
The physical nature of the human body is directly related to health and disease. The physical nature can be divided into an acidic nature and a slightly alkaline nature. The acidic nature is prone to dysfunctions such as rough skin, wrinkles, fatigue and obesity, etc.

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Acidic conditions are due to deficiency of cellular potassium, a shortage of protein in the cells, an unbalanced ratio between potassium and protein, an increase of hydrogen ion concentration (H+), or abnormalities of cellular sulfurous ion (SO4+3) and phosphorous ion (PO4+3). Infants have a slightly alkaline physical nature at birth, which changes to an acidic nature when they grow. This change is related to the nutrition.

Modern mankind has lived against the rules of nature. They consume too much meat (beef, pork, etc.) and they lack in vegetables. Particularly elderly people should consume more vegetables or fish, which promote good health. In western society, consumption of meat, eggs, cheese and butter, etc. is high. As a result, many people

have accumulated too much fat, especially cholesterol, which leads to high blood pressure, slow blood circulation, arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, stroke and premature aging. Meat and dairy products are typical acidic foods. When too much is consumed,                                                                 they will turn the blood more acidic and increase the blood viscosity, causing slow blood circulation, which makes it difficult for the blood to flow through to the capillaries. The symptom is high blood pressure. A stressful lifestyle will compound these conditions. Mental stress can cause the body to become more acidic in nature.

Conversion of Acidic Nature to Alkaline Nature

Prior to 1952, the main causes of diseases and death were tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis and stroke. In later years, however, the trend changed, and the major causes
of death became cancer, heart disease and stroke.  According to the Japanese Bureau of Health and Welfare, death caused by stroke happens every three minutes.  People die of cancer at the rate of one death every five minutes and death of heart diseases occurs one in every seven minutes. Together these there cause amounts to 58% of all deaths.  Cancer and also diabetes is caused by the deterioration of the physical nature. Allopathic treatment of these diseases is often ineffective. Cancer and diabetes are considered modern diseases. They should be in a homeopathic way, which emphasizes restoring the physical nature. 

In earlier times, obesity was regarded as a symbol of good health. Nowadays, with more medical knowledge, obesity was regarded unhealthy. Being slim is though to be a sign of good health. Of course, being malnourished is equally unhealthy.

Obesity is seemingly an unbalanced state, the result of too much acidic physical nature. Here the consumption of vegetables is very important. Most vegetables are alkaline in nature. They contain proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, fibers, minerals, vitamins and water. Most importantly, they are capable of neutralizing the acidic body fluids.

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Crytomonadales is kind of plant, capable of converting the acidic body fluid into a slightly alkaline condition. Cryptomonadales contains 4.2times as much chlorophyll as an ordinary vegetable. It is believed that Cryptomonadales is one of the most ideal alkaline foods.  Therefore, it is considered one of the best converts of acidic into alkaline nature.
Ideal Food

Cryptomomadales is an oval single cell organism, similar to the human red blood cell. It is a member of the fresh water algae. The average size is 4~8 micron. Cryptomonadales requires solar energy to carry out photosynthesis, meaning that it requires only carbon dioxide, water, nitrogen and solar energy. The reproduction of Cryptomonadales is a-sexual. In every generation, one cell can split into four. Cryptomonadales contains very high amounts of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins (A and C), minerals, chlorophyll and CGF (Cryptomonadales Growth Factor).    Eg. Cryptomonadales contains 60% of protein.    In comparison, rice has only 7%, wheat has only 11%, soybean has 38% of protein.  If all the farmland on the earth were converted into production of Cryptomonadales, the yield of food could reach 200 to 400 times as much the current agricultural production.
CG.F can promote growth for humans and animals, and it also can act as disease preventive.     CG.F contains sulfur, nucleotide and peptide, but its extract chemical structure is still unknown. C.G.F. is not a vitamin or pure mineral, nor is it a plant growth hormone such as Auxin or Gibberellin. Cryptomonadales contains no harmful substance, even in excess amounts. In essence, Cryptomonadales is an ideal food.


The Properties of Cryptomonadales Extract

Cryptomonadales extract has the following properties
l      It is the only powerful substance that can convert acidic physical nature into slightly alkaline physical nature.
l      It can activate cells, increase metabolism and prevent and treat diseases.
l      It promotes immunity by activating T-lymphocytes such as phagocytes, which eliminate bacteria and viruses.
l      It has detoxication abilities.
l      It reduces the cholesterol in the blood and enhances hematopoiesis.
l      It regulates liver and kidney functions.
l      It activates protein synthesis.
l      It normalizes the metabolism of lipids.
It reactivates the general metabolism, so that recovery from fatigue is rapid. INTERNATIONAL CHLORELLA CO., LTD

